droplets on my mind

<p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/45188800″>”Kinetic Rain” Changi Airport Singapore</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/artcom”>ART+COM</a&gt; on <a href=”http://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

a while ago, the family went to the airport to eat dinner. and i was very mesmerized and fascinated by the droplet display at terminal one. i learn later it is called kinetic rain. truly beautiful.

i think mum and i sat there close to 45 minutes watching it. and i have to say, how wonderful the human mind, to be able to conceive such an artwork. to be honest i didnt really manage to see the airplane/hot air balloon (like in the video) when i was there, but i loved the waves and grids and the dance of the droplets.

my only peeve is that i wish they were in a different colour. this weird rose-copper colour bothers me, because i could not describe the colour when i saw it. it offends my pantone sensibilities. but that did little to marr my enjoyment.

shh, this is my new secret happy place.

one-bedders on my mind

last night, denn and i spent some time at his aunt’s place at jalan hang jebat. i love the estate and constantly tell him that is where i want to live. ye old colonial homes; the upper units are all one bedroom apartments, and i think how perfect, how perfect to be living in such lush wildness of greenery, walk up steps and the perfect layout; just enough. the units there are only for rental, and denn refuses to budge on the not-having-enough-space-for-all-my-clothes-and-books:choose-one stand. how to choose, between sanity and decency.

so i lustfully look at beautiful pictures. Designer David Kaihoi’s one room-apartment.

i have never been a fan of the colour purple; unless i was doing a pink/purple blend; much less to use a milky purple; even less on walls. but this home is so beautifully put together, i love it.

room1 room2 room3 room4 room5

Birthdays on my mind

December has always been a lull in the business as most of our customers are clearing their leave; and our principals embark on a massive shipment project. That is also the time we start our buying for the next season in the year; prepping for valentine’s!

Blessed this yr to be able to spend it with my favourite folks in the world; they who don’t mock me for my leggings with little hearts, rabbit sleeping mask and my knee high socks. Besides the usual Guangzhou haul; they also bought me a crazy ball-shaped bag; another tiger onizuka.

Memorably, my parents went out of their comfort zone to eat street food with us. Mahjong in bed to wait for my birthday and a beautifully charred to perfection porterhouse steak.

Food pictures to follow:





